‘Round The Farm

This is going to be huge 🤗.

They’re not morning cows ☕️

Baby pigs living their best life, which happens to be in their water bowl 😕.

Best friends 🥰.
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Hope you are well and staying cool in this heat wave. Our grass and pastures are feeling it big time so any prayers, rain dances, or other ritualistic actions that bring rain are appreciated. Apologies for the delay in communications from us. We were hit with “spam bot”. Basically our account was locked due multiple fake emails being entered continuously. All is fixed now and good to go.
So, the barn is finally happening. This is a big deal for us, but will hopefully be a big deal for you as well. It will allow for many changes here on the farm that make our life easier and provide better service for you.
At present, we have 7 large chest freezers scattered throughout our house. There is even one in our girls playroom. Our dining room has become a makeshift warehouse with 3 freezers, storage bins, bags, merchandise, .. you name it. The barn will allow us to move all of that and get our house back which we are very excited about.
For you, this means we will be able to offer many functions and services. Pick-ups will be 5-6 days a week with a large chest freezer to store your goods. The pick-up times frames will be dramatically increased (something like 8a – 8p) as now we can keep everything good and cold. Our curbside pick-up works well but is very limiting (time / dates) in this heat.
Farm tours will finally be happening. We’ve held off on actual tours as we’ve not had a place for people to gather. Also, if I’m being honest, our farm is a mess sometimes (grass needs cutting, uncompleted projects, etc). Also, our home is a mess a majority of the time. If you’re like me, you don’t want guests in your house if it’s not cleaned thoroughly. Meeting at the barn will provide a good place to gather. It will provide seating, shade, a wonderful view of the farm, a bathroom (well, a portable at first but it’s something), glass front freezers should you want to browse goods, and more.
You’ve probably noticed a few horse pictures over the past few weeks on our Instagram / Facebook. Lexi grew up riding and the girls are horse crazy, so the barn will also house horses. We’ll also be offering boarding for horses with a full range of amenities (in-stall auto-waters, fans, private pastures, etc). We’re still working out the details but if you’re interested, or know anyone, contact us here.
While I’m not a fan of taking on debt, we’ve deemed this a necessity if our farm is to continue growing. We’ve grown to the point that it’s either turn our house into a barn or build one. On that note, we want to say THANK YOU!. Your business and support allow us to not only provide healthy and sustainably raised meats and products, but now we’ll also be able to offer experiences (tours, visits, in-person shopping) that we haven’t been able to do before. Our family is so appreciative of the support you’ve shown us so thanks for all you do! Lots more to come so stay tuned!
Pork Shares are Stocked!
Pork Shares are in Stock!
We’re picking up more pork later this week and have pork share available!. If you’re looking to stock up on Pastured Pork at a discount, this is for you. We have wholes and halves all predefined with the most popular cuts and sizes.
We also have a new option, our 1/4th pork share. Try a little of everything at an economical price.
All shares are predefined meaning you know the cuts, amount, and price of everything all up front. No cut sheets or hanging weights to deal with! Also, no large upfront cost. Place an initial deposit, then take care of the remaining balance prior to pick up.
Ordering Pastured Pork at a discount doesn’t have to be time consuming or overwhelming. Just put it in your cart, check-out, and pick-up when ready. That’s it!
Want to pick some Longbottom Farm beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and coffee as well as other locally produced goodies. These are the places to do it.
Charlottesville City Market – Every Saturday from 8 am – 12 noon. A great way to stock up on some local food and treats while enjoying some fresh air. Thanks to all those that have come out to support local farms and artisans in our area. Hope to see you there!
Curbside Pick-up – Order online and pick up on farm with our Curbside Pick-up. Place your order, choose your day, and pick-up anytime on that day between 11am and 4pm. That’s it!
Locally Delivery – If you are within 30 minutes of our farm (availability is determined by zip code at checkout), we offer home delivery to the Scottsville / Charlottesville areas. We deliver every Friday for orders over $50 ($6 delivery charge) and FREE DELIVERY for orders over $99. Simply Order online and we’ll take care of the rest!
Farm Store
It Tastes Right Because It’s Raised Right!
Hand Gathered, Farm Fresh Eggs
Experience the difference and give our free range, premium eggs a try!
Virginia Raised, 100% Grassfed, Black Angus Beef
Longbottom Farm Pastured Pork
Raised in a combination of pasture and woods, our Pastured Pork produces a flavor like no other. Experience the difference.