‘Round The Farm

walk of shame

The donkey escaped, so we did the walk of shame back to the house 🏠

misty morning

Misty market morning ⛅️

dang it

 I don’t want to talk about how many times we have had to cover this hay 😑


Testing out agricultural vinegar as a weed killer, we’ll keep you posted!

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A Day in the Life

Come Along for Chores and a Tour!

Join us for a genuine ‘Day in the Life’ experience at Longbottom Farm. Get up close with our aminals and follow along as we walk you through the daily chores.  Learn about the hows and whys of our farming practices.  Our glimpse into sustainable farming, and a view of the love, care, and hard work that goes into bringing food from our farm to your plate. #FamilyFarmLife #SustainableFarming #DayInTheLife #FarmToFork #PasturedPoultry #GrassfedBeef #WoodlandPork #farmfresheggs

Farm Updates & Happenings

baby calf

Lots going around the farm.  July, and summer in general, is always a super busy time as we’re still completing projects from Spring, in addition to keeping up with grass cutting and all farm enterprises operating at once.  That said, we wouldn’t have it any other way.  Here’s what’s happening.

Beef is Back in Stock!

We just brought beef back from the processor and will be adding beef to the website as we inventory this week.  There’s also a couple Beef Shares available so get them while they last!

Possible Big Announcement Next Week?!

We’re in the process of securing a couple freezers / refrigerators for on farm pick-up.  Once we’ve set these up (hopefully this week), we’ll be changing our pick up hours to 7 Days a Week!  In a nutshell, you’ll place your order –> Choose “on farm pick-up” –> wait for your “Order is Ready ” email (usually within 48 hours) –> Then pick-up anytime (Mon – Sun) between 8 am – 8 pm.  THIS IS NOT LIVE YET, but hopefully will be up and running next week so stay tuned!

Second Batch of Broilers Begins 

We’re expecting our second batch of baby chicks next week.  This means in ~ 9 weeks, we’ll have whole birds for sale, in addition to our other Pastured Poultry cuts that you know and love.  We did all cut-ups this last round as the birds got so big.  Think small turkeys.  They don’t fit well on grills, in instapots, ect, so we parted all of them.  Bear with us and we’ll have the whole birds in stock soon.

Well that’s it for this week.  Let me know if you like the video format above.  If so, we’ll be doing a lot more.  I love watching farm videos as it provides so many ideas and thoughts for our farm.  The things you can learn from a small, hand held screen these days is just amazing.  Thanks for reading and following along!

Thanks for following us and allowing us to serve you.  If you have questions or would like to share your thoughts, give us a shout!  Have a wonderful week!

Round Longbottom Farm 2022 Family Photo

With Our Appreciation,

Jason, Lexi, and Family

Farmers Markets

Want to pick some Longbottom Farm beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and coffee as well as other locally produced goodies.  These are the places to do it. 

Charlottesville City Market – (April – December) Every Saturday from 9 am – 1 pm.  A great way to stock up on some local food and treats while enjoying some fresh air.  Thanks to all those that have come out to support local farms and artisans in our area.  Hope to see you there!

Curbside Pick-up – Order online and pick up on farm with our Curbside Pick-up.  Place your order, choose your day, and pick-up anytime on that day between 11 am and 4 pm.  That’s it!

Locally DeliveryIf you are within 30 minutes of our farm (availability is determined by zip code at checkout), we offer home delivery to the Scottsville / Charlottesville areas.   We deliver every Friday for orders over $50 ($6 delivery charge) and FREE DELIVERY for orders over $99.  Simply Order online and we’ll take care of the rest!

Farm Store

It Tastes Right Because It’s Raised Right!

Hand Gathered, Farm Fresh Eggs

Experience the difference and give our free range, premium eggs a try!

Virginia Raised, 100% Grassfed, Black Angus Beef

Our Virginia raised beef at Longbottom Farm is 100% grass-fed & grass-finished.

Longbottom Farm Pastured Pork

Raised in a combination of pasture and woods, our Pastured Pork produces a flavor like no other. Experience the difference.