This Week ‘Round The Farm

Sunsets get the glory, but I’m more of a sunrise gal myself ☀️.

Fridays are for fencing. Every. Single. Friday. For the rest of my life …

They prefer the randomly discarded kids coat to the cozy dog bed.

Every good sunrise deserves a good cup of coffee. Check out this weeks email for coupons on our new custom roasts ☕️!
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Wake up with Longbottom Farm Coffee!
Not much gets done here on the farm without a good cup-of-joe. Thanks to quarantine, the ability to brew a great cup coffee at home has become more important than ever. From the moment that first sip touches your soul and whispers “You can do this”, our coffees are here to get you through your day. That’s why we’re excited to be offering three varieties of custom roasted coffees to get you up and crowing!
Use Coupon Code wakeup25 at checkout to get 25% off your first order of coffee.
Farm Updates and 2021
Just a few updates to keep in mind, and a little bit about where we’re at and where we’re going. This will be our last email before the New Year.
Beef: Cattle going in this week. We’ll be fully restocked either the last week of December or 1st week of January.
Coffee: Super excited to be offering this year round!
Chicken: We’ll be getting our first chicks around April / May of 2021. Should be available for purchase June / July of 2021. We’ll be offering whole birds, cuts, wings, gizzards, broth packs, and more!
Eggs: Plenty to go around. You may have noticed that aren’t many blue / green eggs. Those we got this year just aren’t laying much compared to the brown and white egg layers. Its all good though as they’r happy hens and we’ll take what they give us.
While we’re doubling our efforts on beef and pork, we’re also looking into providing other products such as coffee and honey just to name a couple. These will be from local farms / businesses who produce these items as we would if time permitted. We want to provide your with a more options and convience when shopping. COVID has revealed that supply chains can really be disrupted and staple items hard to get. Hopefully working with a few local farms / business will mean more options for you now and when times are tough. Sorry, no toilet paper deals yet.
Thanks for following us and allowing us to serve you. If you have questions or would like to share your thoughts, give us a shout! Happy holidays and best wishes in 2021! Stay healthy and safe!
With Our Appreciation,
Jason, Lexi, and Family
Charlottesville City Market To-Go
Want to pick some Longbottom Farm beef, pork and eggs, as well as other locally produced goodies. This is the place to to it. Charlottesville City Market To-Go is a drive through farmers market where you preorder online, then drive around the market on Saturday to pick up your goods. Here’s how it works.
1. Go to the online site Charlottesville City Market To-Go.
2. Set up an account and choose a time slot.
3. Shop for some hand-gathered eggs, pork, and beef among other veggies, meats, pastries, and more (Search feature allows you to look for products or your favorite vendor).
4. Show up Saturday morning at your chosen time, drive through the horse-shoe market where your goods are loaded in your trunk, then you’re on your way.
That’s it. A great way to stock up on some local food and treats while enjoying some fresh air in a safe way. Take your favorite beverage, put on your favorite tunes, and enjoy a Saturday morning drive. Thanks to all those that have come out to support local farms and artisans in our area. Hope to see you there!
Farm Store
It Tastes Right Because It’s Raised Right!
Hand Gathered, Farm Fresh Eggs
Experience the difference and give our free range, premium eggs a try!
Virginia Raised, 100% Grassfed, Black Angus Beef
Longbottom Farm Pastured Pork
Raised in a combination of pasture and woods, our Pastured Pork produces a flavor like no other. Experience the difference.