This Week ‘Round The Farm

Death Star

Our littlest farm hand accidentally made the Death Star .


Spiders are so festive 🕷


Rosie is always first in line for treats 🍬.

Clean Trailer

After scrubbing the stock trailer for 4 hours, I just have one question; Why is there poop on the ceiling?!?!? 💩

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What You Should Know About Pastured Pork

Blade Chops


We recently had a question asking, “what’s the difference between your pork and commercial pork you get in the store?”. It’s a great question and one that has many answers. We love our fellow pork connoisseurs digging deeper into where their food comes from and how it’s raised. Like you, we had the same questions. What is the difference? Here’s some things you should know.


Our Pork: Pigs raised outside on pasture promoting healthy animals (fresh air, sunlight, foraging)
Commercial Pork: Confined in large buildings leading to poor health (unsanitary conditions, close confinement)

Our Pork: Natural growth without antibiotics or hormones.
Commercial Pork: Routinely fed antibiotics & drugs like Paylean (banned in 160 countries) to promote growth.

Our Pork: Heritage breed genetics favoring health & taste
Commercial Pork: Industrial genetics for fast growth

Our Pork: Sows (mama pigs) conceive and birth naturally when the time is right.
Commercial Pork: Sows are kept in farrowing crates for the majority of their lives.

Our Pork: 13,000 square foot per pig on pasture
Commercial Pork: 6-8 square foot per pig on concrete

Our Pork: Pig manure fertilizes the land
Commercial Pork: Pig manure is treated as toxic waste pollutes water ways

Our Pork: Raised in small groups of 10-20 pigs & free outdoors.
Commercial Pork: Raised in large buildings containing 1000s of confined pigs.

Our Pork: Higher micro-nutrient content (Vitamins E, D, and selenium)
Commercial Pork: Increased drug-resistant bacteria.

In short, we’re trying to heal the land, promote a sustainable model that’s good for the environment and animals, and provide a healthier and tastier product. A pork of old or craft pork if you will. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Keep the questions coming and all the best!


Thanks for following us and allowing us to serve you!  If you have questions or would like to share your thoughts, give us a shout!  Stay healthy and safe!

With Our Appreciation,

Jason, Lexi, and Family

Charlottesville City Market To-Go

Charlottesville City Market To-Go - CHS

Want to pick some Longbottom Farm beef, pork and eggs, as well as other locally produced goodies.  This is the place to to it.  Charlottesville City Market To-Go is a drive through farmers market where you preorder online, then drive around the market on Saturday to pick up your goods.  Here’s how it works.

1. Go to the online site Charlottesville City Market To-Go.

2. Set up an account and choose a time slot.

3. Shop for some hand-gathered eggs, pork, and beef among other veggies, meats, pastries, and more (Search feature allows you to look for products or your favorite vendor).

4. Show up Saturday morning at your chosen time, drive through the horse-shoe market where your goods are loaded in your trunk, then you’re on your way.

That’s it.  A great way to stock up on some local food and treats while enjoying some fresh air in a safe way.  Take your favorite beverage, put on your favorite tunes, and enjoy a Saturday morning drive.  Thanks to all those that have come out to support local farms and artisans in our area.  Hope to see you there!

Farm Store

It Tastes Right Because It’s Raised Right!

Hand Gathered, Farm Fresh Eggs

Experience the difference and give our free range, premium eggs a try!

Virginia Raised, 100% Grassfed, Black Angus Beef

Our Virginia raised beef at Longbottom Farm is 100% grass-fed & grass-finished.

Longbottom Farm Pastured Pork

Raised in a combination of pasture and woods, our Pastured Pork produces a flavor like no other. Experience the difference.