‘Round The Farm

Ray loves a selfie 📸

Diamond is our only Leghorn chicken. So if you get a white egg, it’s Diamond’s! 🥚

I don’t foresee a future in framing for me 🔨

Country kids in a creek 🏊♀️
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Golden Retriever Puppy’s Farm Zoomies
Best if Henry gets his wiggles out early so he doesn’t drive us all crazy!
The Unspoken Reality of Burnout.

Hope you’re managing to stay afloat with all this rain (much needed, of course) and gearing up for some sunshine ahead. Today, I want to dive into a subject that often gets brushed aside or downright ignored, yet is so vital to address: burnout. Just like anyone on a mission to accomplish something meaningful can hit a wall of despair and exhaustion, we encounter similar feelings right here on the farm.
Operating a regenerative farm is far more than just a job; it’s a full-blown marathon of mental and physical stamina. From the early morning when we’re out caring for our livestock, to the late nights spent crunching numbers, the work never lets up. And let’s not even get started on the emotional rollercoaster that comes with unpredictable weather, equipment breakdowns, or the dreaded “The cows are out!!” moments. Sometimes, it feels like we’re not just running a single marathon, but a series of them, one after the other.
We’ve had to learn the hard way that non-stop work without any downtime is a surefire path to disaster. Taking a moment to step back, rest, and recharge isn’t just sensible, it’s crucial for the long-term viability of our farm and our own well-being. Knowing when to put the pedal to the metal and when to ease off is key. It’s not just about conquering the day, but ensuring we’re here for the long run, making a positive impact on our community and the planet.
Striking a balance between our farm work and our personal lives is a must. It’s tricky sometimes, given how interwoven our lives are with the farm, but we’re committed to excelling not just as farmers, but as spouses, parents, and community members. This all-encompassing approach to life and work is something we strive for. We don’t always get it right but it’s an approach worth pursuing.
Yes, the work is grueling, and yes, it can get disheartening at times, but the hurdles we clear and the challenges we conquer are what give our work its worth. If it were a breeze, everyone would be doing it, right? No one ever claimed that realizing a dream of running a sustainable, regenerative farm would be a walk in the park. But then again, it wouldn’t hold any value if it were.
So, as we journey forward, and especially in the heart of our busy season, we’re learning to juggle discipline with relaxation, ambition with satisfaction, and work with life.
We know that you, too, face moments of burnout and overwhelm. It’s a part of life, especially in these challenging times. This message is a reminder that you’re not alone in this. WE ALL face struggles, and it’s okay to take a step back, breathe, and take care of yourself. Remember to be kind to yourself, make time for activities that bring you joy, and don’t hesitate to seek support when you need it. It’s all part of maintaining a healthy balance, and recognizing when things get unbalanced.
Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your support means the world to us.
Labor Day Grilling Goodies
We’ve Got You Covered!

Labor Day is just around the corner and while we’re out of a few items, we’re stocked in others. Fire up the grill and celebrate Labor Day with some pasture-raised goodness.
And don’t forget about 7 day pick-up or local delivery!

Want to pick some Longbottom Farm beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and coffee as well as other locally produced goodies. These are the places to do it.
Charlottesville City Market – (April – December) Every Saturday from 9 am – 1 pm. A great way to stock up on some local food and treats while enjoying some fresh air. Thanks to all those that have come out to support local farms and artisans in our area. Hope to see you there!
Farm Pick-up – Order online and pick up your order at our newly constructed barn. Place your order online, then once you receive the “Your Order is Ready for Pick-up” email (24 – 72 hours), pick-up anytime between 8am – 8pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! Your Order will be placed in our outdoor freezers / fridge for pick-up at your convenience and labeled with your name. Easy-peasy!
Locally Delivery – If you are within 30 minutes of our farm (availability is determined by zip code at checkout), we offer home delivery to the Scottsville / Charlottesville areas. We deliver every Friday for orders over $50 ($6 delivery charge) and FREE DELIVERY for orders over $99. Simply Order online and we’ll take care of the rest!
Farm Store
It Tastes Right Because It’s Raised Right!
Hand Gathered, Farm Fresh Eggs
Experience the difference and give our free range, premium eggs a try!
Virginia Raised, 100% Grassfed, Black Angus Beef
Longbottom Farm Pastured Pork
Raised in a combination of pasture and woods, our Pastured Pork produces a flavor like no other. Experience the difference.