by Jason Feyerherd | Nov 26, 2018 | Updates
This week on the farm… 1. We spent more time getting a good picture of this chuck roast than we did getting this year’s family photo. Priorities. 2. Taken mere moments after she rolled over for the first time. 3. 61 degrees of loveliness at the Christmas...
by Jason Feyerherd | Nov 19, 2018 | Updates
This week on the farm… 1. Most of the road to the river is now located in the bottom pasture. But I’ll take the rain over fire any day. Prayers for California. 2. I hung this mirror above our bed and spent the entire night hoping it didn’t crush me...
by Jason Feyerherd | Nov 12, 2018 | Updates
This week on the farm… Farmhouse Fails Edition 1. Homemade soap. One leaves the tub full of oatmeal, the other looks like the bottom of an ashtray. 2. Houseplants. This little guy is the only survivor, and I’m not sure how much longer he will hold on. 3....
by Jason Feyerherd | Nov 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
1. Kurt cracks me up. 2. The ladies have arrived and are on DEFCON 1. 3. I’m 99% sure this was not Fire Ant’s idea. 4. Annie and I have similar feelings about Mondays. #longbottomfarm #farmstead #virginiafarm #knowyourfarmer #countrysideandfarmlife...