This week on the farm…
1. This sweet face met the business end of a skunk at about 0400 this morning. At least that was the time when the smell woke me up. Eww.
2. Our winter watering system is the actual worst. On the bright side, my arms are going to be huuuge.
3. Our Easter eggers lay the prettiest shade of blue-green. The size still leaves a bit to be desired, but I think my pep talks are helping.
4. Farmers market season is just around the corner and booth planning is gearing up. I’m pretty excited for a girl who is horrible at selling stuff.
Also, we would like to thank you for your support, encouragement, and for following our weekly happenings (and mishaps). If there is anything you’d like to see on the farm or questions, don’t hesitate to give us a shout.
#longbottomfarm #farmstead #homestead #knowyourfarmer #virginiafarm #charlottesville #chickens #farmlife #farmersmarket